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Integrating Work, Business, and God’s Purposes (8 p.m. Eastern Time / 9 p.m. São Paulo)

Historically, Christians have done a lot to support traditional missionaries, but we have neglected to effectively equip the majority who are living by faith in the workplace. Moreover, it is common for us to view business endeavors through the narrow lens of bottom-line thinking.

These two tendencies, which stem from a weak understanding of scriptural theology, have had negative effects on the well-being of workers, on the health of workplaces and communities, and on our ability to advance the gospel in relational ways. We are missing opportunities to integrate our professional lives with God’s purposes in the world. And this disconnect prevents us from seeing the rich meaning of daily life.

In this “Work Matters” webinar, we will hear from Jack Benjamin, a board member at Global Commerce Network who, starting with his own small businesses in Latin America, has found ways to incorporate entrepreneurship with personal investments in people. His on-the-ground experience, combined with a deep understanding of the theology of work, has enabled him to serve and support hundreds of business leaders around the world.

Jack also has a heart for helping today’s young professionals. During the webinar, he will share insights about how we can encourage and equip a new generation of men and women who—through their work—are in position to bring hope and meaning to a needy world.

No registration is required. Please feel free to share the information below with friends.

May 22

The Potential Meaning of Music (8 p.m. EST | 9 p.m. São Paulo)

October 16

Developing a Christian View of Wealth (8:30p.m. Eastern Time / 9:30p.m. São Paulo)