GCN Announces New Director
Dr. Darrell and Annette Dooyema
Global Commerce Network/GCN Press is pleased to announce that Darrell Dooyema, who has a doctoral degree in philosophy from Talbot School of Theology, was appointed as our new director in December 2024. Dr. Dooyema brings to GCN a robust capacity for teaching, mentoring, writing, and research—all centered on helping people explore the intellectual foundations of belief in God and to discern what that means in work, economics, business, and personal life.
Since its founding in 1994, GCN has helped hundreds of people around the world discover a scriptural theology of work and economics. With Dr. Dooyema’s leadership and gifting, GCN will be able to expand its scope, helping people to discover the overarching intellectual richness of Christian thought (Philippians 4:8).
Dr. Dooyema infuses academic knowledge of philosophical inquiry with personal, gentle conversation (1 Peter 3:15-17). His current contributions will be integrated with GCN’s existing services. Some of this work will include, for example:
Annual summer-long forums on philosophy and theology with young Europeans in Norway
Co-leading GCN’s seminars for young professionals (My IPO)
Lectures at universities and other institutions
Teaching college courses on logic, ethics, comparative religion, and apologetics
Research and writing, including for GCN Press publications
Contributing to US and international philosophy associations
Personal mentoring with young professionals and students
In our post-truth times, there is an immense need for Dr. Dooyema’s gifting and knowledge. Research shows that many people in the West are abandoning belief in God and/or leaving churches, in part because they lack personal and intellectual opportunities to think carefully about their questions. He helps to fill that gap.
Dr. Dooyema’s work has been multiplied exponentially by the vital contributions of his wife, Annette. Together they have served hundreds of young people in the US and Europe, including through mentoring and hospitality. Her contributions will continue as Dr. Dooyema steps into this new leadership role.
To better represent GCN’s new direction and expanded services, we will be rebranding the organization in early 2025, specifically by creating a “subsidiary” of GCN. All legal, financial, and funding matters will continue to be managed by GCN, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. We will keep you informed in the coming months.
Supporting the Dooyemas
You can support Darrell and Annette by sending a check to Global Commerce Network, P.O. Box 51455, Colorado Springs, CO 80949-1455. In the memo line, please write “GCN-Dooyema.” GCN will send you a tax receipt. There is no administrative fee for contributions by check.
You can also contribute to the Dooyemas’ work online through the New Horizons Foundation, which manages GCN’s online donations. For online giving, please use the following link:
For those who give online, please set up a New Horizons account. Doing so will enable you to manage donations and access tax documents. The New Horizons administrative fee is 8 percent, of which 3 percent covers credit card charges.
The GCN board of directors and the New Horizons Foundation provide careful fiduciary oversight of revenue and program expenditures. We keep administrative costs to a bare minimum, thereby directing at least 92 percent of all donations directly toward serving people. For questions, please write to glenn@globalcommercenetwork.com.